Too many times a company will go with rates without determining the qualifications of an agency. If the collection agency knows little about the intricacies or doesn’t have the staff or management to work your accounts properly, it is highly unlikely the lower rate will result in more revenue to your company.
Example, if a company places $100,000.00 to a collection agency and the agency charges a rate of 40% and produces a 25% recovery, the return will be $15,000.00. However if another collection agency charges a rate of 35% but only produces a 15% recovery, the return would be only $9,750.00.
Don’t be steered by rates only. Choose a collection agency with proven results.
We are extremely confident in our recovery system and believe we have the staff and experience that will achieve the results that you expect. While no collection agency can guarantee 100% results we believe we have tailored an approach that will insure the best possible results for your company, therefore doubling the national average for collections.
Do you have the proper information to help recover your bad debt?
Studies conducted by the American Collectors Association (ACA) concluded that for every thirty days an account remains dormant, it is 16% less likely to be collected. Thus, it is easy to see that when accounts are not worked on a consistent basis and sit dormant for six months or longer, they are much less likely to be collected.
When a debtor knows they have bad credit, they obviously do not apply for new credit. For this reason the Credit Bureaus are not sent new updated information on the debtor.